Greetings, Iā€™m Junda! šŸ‘‹

Iā€™m a Senior Data Scientist at Rakuten, a leading e-commerce platform in Japan with global presence. Outside of work, I run freelance web development projects.

  • šŸ“š Iā€™m currently learning causal inference extensively for work
  • šŸ I have worked on several side projects on a web development using MERN stack that is deployed to Heroku
  • šŸ”­ My wife is very obsessed about zero waste household, so Iā€™m trying to help her by developing a device with a little bit of deep-learning-on-edge capability for waste management. I mainly use intel OpenVINO toolkit with models built on pytorch
  • šŸŒ± Iā€™m adept at using alibaba cloud and GCP courtesy to professional experiences.
  • šŸ° Fun fact: Me and my wife is a surprisingly good baker, a hobby that we both picked up due to COVID-19 quarantines